The ultimate air travel stretching guide

The Ultimate Air Travel Stretching Guide

271 million passengers will fly US based airlines this summer.

Now there's a close to 0% chance that your flight will have a malfunction…

looking at you Boeing.

But there's a 100% chance your body is going to be jacked from sitting too long.

Not Schwarzenegger jacked, but jacked from sitting in seats that seem to get smaller every year.

Still looking at you and your friends, Boeing. πŸ‘€

So whether you're β€œballin' out” in first class to Omaha.

Or traveling to far-off destinations that I’ll β€œenvy ❀️" from the comfort of Instagram...

I’ve gathered a couple stretching hacks to do

  • before

  • during

  • & after your flight

to help start or end your travels on the right foot. πŸ‘‡

Before the flight πŸ›©οΈ

Have you ever seen someone stretch before getting on a long plane ride?

In three decades + a few years on earth, I can only recall one instance of a person reallyyyy stretching before boarding a plane.

I mean, he was really using the space around him.

Sure, he got a lot of looks.

But definitely the smartest guy in the room.

Actually, it was one early instance that validated my idea for Move Every Day long before I had a logo.

We all should be stretching before plane rides.

Here are 3 ways how:

Before Flight Stretch #1: Thoracic rotation


Helps to loosen up your upper and mid-back before boarding your flight.

How to do some Thoracic Rotation before your flight

How to:

  • Step 1 - Sit up nice and tall and engage your core.

  • Step 2 - Bring one hand to the outside of the opposite knee (knees can be together).

  • Step 3 - Draw shoulders down and back and rotate to try and look behind your shoulder.

    *You can use your other hand to help get a bit more rotation in the upper and mid-back.

Before Flight Stretch #2: Figure 4 stretch


Helps to loosen up the hips and glutes, which might also release any tightness or tension in the low back.

How to do a Figure 4 Stretch before your flight

How to:

  • Step 1 - Sit up nice and tall, engage your core, cross one leg over the other.

  • Step 2 - Hinge forward to where it feels good in your body, your back is flat. You should feel that stretch through your hip and glute.

  • Step 3 - If you have tight hips, then cross your leg over to where it feels good for you, maybe your knee is up towards your chest...that's OK!


Before Flight Stretch #3: Side bend


Helps to open up the side body and lengthen the spine.

How to do a Side Bend before your flight

How to:

  • Step 1 - Stand/sit it up nice and tall, engage your core. If you think about pulling your belly button towards your spine/back, it helps to activate your core.

  • Step 2 - Then bring one arm up and over, breathe into it and then switch to the other side.

*If you have frozen shoulder or mobility issues: arms can come by your side. Then lean to the side reaching one hand down to the floor, come up and go to the other side.

During the flight stretches πŸ’Ί

Stretching in a small, compressed tube at 30,000 feet may seem lofty.

And if you’re like me, you don’t want to draw too much attention to yourself during the flight...

Below are some stretches that you might actually do with someone next to you!

This next set of stretches is to loosen your upper and mid-back and keep the blood and circulation flowing in your legs.

Trust me, the landing clappers will marvel at how limber you stayed throughout the flight.

During Flight Stretch #1: Ankle circles


Helps to keep the blooding flowing and improve circulation throughout your flight.

How to do Ankle Circles during your flight to improve circulation

How to:

  • Step 1 - Sit it up nice and tall, engage your core.

  • Step 2 - Lift one foot off the floor and rotate your ankle for circles in each direction.

  • Step 3 - Switch to the other side and do about 8-10 in each direction.

During Flight Stretch #2: Heel/toe lifts


Helps to keep the blooding flowing and improve circulation throughout your flight.

How to do Heel toe lifts during your flight to improve circulation

How to:

  • Step 1 - Sit up nice and tall, engage your core. Legs can be together or hip distance apart.

  • Step 2 - Lift your heels, and then lower to the floor.

  • Step 3 - Then lift your toes, lower and lift the heels. Do as many of these as needed throughout your flight.

During Flight Stretch #3: Shoulder rolls


Helps to relieve tension in the shoulders and upper back, which also helps to improve posture.

How to do Shoulder Rolls during your flight to loosen up your shoulder and back

How to:

  • Step 1 - Sit up nice and tall, engage your core. Legs can be hip distance apart.

  • Step 2 - Draw shoulders up towards your ears.

  • Step 3 - Squeeze shoulders down and back, and then squeeze them forward and up back towards the ears. Then reverse the direction.

After the flight stretches 🧳

There's always this pent up energy when the plane lands.

People are standing but you're still cramped, and for some reason they turned off the AC.

A mad dash out of the plane occurs, but then you find yourself waiting with all these people you just ran away from.

I’m talking about waiting for your luggage…

Here are some stretches you can do while you say to yourself…

β€œI should’ve packed lighter.”

After Flight Stretch #1: Hamstring stretch


Helps to relieve tightness through the back of the leg, which can also help relieve any stiffness or tension in the low back.

How to do a hamstring stretch after your flight to loosen up tight hamstrings

How to:

  • Step 1 - Stand up nice and tall, engage your core. You're going to bring one leg forward, toes are flexed or pointed up towards your face. There's a slight bend in the opposite leg.

  • Step 2 - Hinge the hips back like you're sitting in a seat, and bring your chest towards the floor as much as it feels good in your body.

  • Step 3 - You should feel a nice stretch through the back of the leg. Make sure to breathe into the stretch and then get the other side.

After Flight Stretch #2 : Rear hand clasp


Helps to open up through your chest and shoulders.

How to do a rear hand clasp after your flight to open up your chest

How to:

  • Step 1 - Stand with your feet hip distance apart, slight bend in the knees, core is engaged. Bring your hands behind you and clasp them together, if you can.

    *Otherwise, try using the help of a jacket that's handy.

  • Step 2 - Draw shoulders down and back. You should feel a nice opening in the chest/shoulders.

    *If you want to take the stretch a bit farther, lift your gaze up towards the ceiling and breathe.

After Flight Stretch #3: Side to side lunge


Helps to relieve tightness through your groin (which helps with tight hips) and inner thighs.

How to do a side to side lunge after your flight to relieve tightness through your groin

How to:

  • Step 1 - Stand up nice and tall, engage your core. Bring yourself into a wider stance - your feet are facing forward.

  • Step 2 - You're going to hinge at the hips and sit back into an imaginary chair on one side. So on one side knee tracks over the toes, and your other leg is extended for the stretch.

  • Step 3 - Then stand up nice and tall (like the starting position) and hinge back coming to the other side.

The feeling of stiffness, tightness and small spaces when traveling (especially when flying) is universal.

By incorporating some or all these stretches into your travel routine, you can:

  • help prevent stiffness

  • improve circulation

  • and be more comfortable

Remember to stay hydrated, try to take breaks and move around, and listen to your body.

Happy & safe travels! πŸ™

Weekly inspiration πŸ™Œ

This week I’m still on the travel/adventure theme!

β€œA ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.”

– John A. Shedd

Get out there and explore.

Even if you’re not flying this summer - check out a new place.

Maybe try a new coffee shop instead of your regular spot.

We can still experience travel/adventure in our everyday life - we just have to seek it out.

Want to stretch more but don’t know where to start?

Try The Morning Stretch, our Monday through Friday email with 1 stretch.

Build better habits, but the smarter (doable) way.

Sign up below πŸ‘‡


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