Thoracic rotation explained ?

Thoracic rotation explained blog post header

Summary / Quick jumps

what is thoracic rotation? it’s rotating your mid back

Jargon is for the birds 🐦

Jargon is used to create a barrier between you and the people you’re trying to connect with.

I’m guilty of this and so is everyone else in their profession.

β€œWe all spent the time learning our skillset so we can use some big words every now and then, it’s okay.”

In fact, I drop jargon all the time to explain exactly what stretch we’re doing in the monthly membership videos.

One term that stands out recently is:

Thoracic rotation.

What does that even mean?…

Lets break down thoracic rotation πŸ“

Thoracic rotation word cloud

If we look at the first part of the word combined with the second half you would think thoracic has something to do with some hunky thunder god and some prehistoric dinosaurs.

I mean, I would see that movie… πŸ‘€

But really thoracic refers to the spine, specifically the "thoracic vertebrae".

And this thoracic vertebrae is located in the upper to mid back.

Thoracic spine

So when I say something like β€œthoracic rotation” in my videos, it really means:

β€œrotate your upper and mid back”

Where does thoracic rotation fit in with stretching? πŸ€”

Our mid back tends to get REALLY tight from sitting down long periods of time.

Whether were slouching or trying to hold good posture, it gets really stiff.

And a great way to loosen up our thoracic spi..(cough, cough) I mean mid back is to add in some rotation.

In fact an easy way to get in some thoracic rotation, is to use your chair to anchor yourself while you rotate your upper to mid back.

Mix that in with some shoulder stretches and you’re golden, pony boy!

Coming to a theatre near you. 🍿

Thoracic rotation movie poster

Need a visual on thoracic rotation? Check out the video below πŸ‘‡

Want to stretch more but don’t know where to start?

Try The Morning Stretch, our Monday through Friday email with 1 stretch.

Building better habits, but the smarter (doable) way.

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