3 Simple stretches for road trip pitstops

3 Simple Stretches for Road Trip PitStops Header Image

Summary / Quick Jumps

#1 - Hip Flexor Stretch

#2 - Rear Hand Clasp

#3 - Calf Stretch

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Road trip stretches ๐Ÿš—

Nostalgic tunes, pondering life, and consuming a months worth of sugar in an 8-hour window.

Road tripsโ€ฆ gotta love 'em.

At some point, either when the gummi bear bag is empty and your partner says,

โ€œIโ€™m worried about youโ€

or when someone has to go to the bathroom, you have to make a pitstop.

Rather than sitting, waiting and wondering how your stomach is a bottomless pit.

Step out of the car and do some or all of these stretches below.

In 4 hours your body will thank you.

Road Trip Stretch #1: Hip flexor stretch

How to do a Hip Flexor Stretch During a Road Trip pitstop

How to:

  • Step 1 - Come to a staggered stance, hips facing forward, core is engaged. Knee is over ankle on the front leg, the foot is down on the back leg.

    *This may feel like a deep enough stretch.*

  • Step 2 - On the leg that's back, that same hand can reach towards the sky and the opposite hand can come to the opposite hip. This may be a deep enough stretch.

  • Step 3 -To get an even deeper stretch through the hip flexor, the arm towards the sky can reach up and over coming into a side bend.

*The key is to tuck your tailbone or pelvis to feel the stretch through the hip flexor muscles and then progress to where you feel the deepest stretch as noted above.

Road Trip Stretch #2: Rear hand clasp (aka chest opener)

How to do a Rear Hand Clasp during a Road Trip pitstop

How to:

  • Step 1 - Stand with your feet hips distance apart, slight bend in the knees, core is engaged.

  • Step 2 - Bring your hands behind you and clasp them together if you can. Otherwise, try using the help of a shirt or jacket that's handy.

  • Step 3 - Draw shoulders down and back. You should feel a nice opening in chest/shoulders, especially if you've been driving and have been hunched over the steering wheel for a few hours.

*If you want to take the stretch a bit farther, lift your gaze up towards the sky and breathe there.

Road Trip Stretch #3: Calf stretch

How to do a Calf Stretch during a Road Trip pitstop

How to:

  • Step 1 - Step back into a staggered stance, legs are hips distance apart, facing straight ahead, core is engaged. Your back foot is down on the ground.

  • Step 2 - Then lean forward, and press into your car to give yourself a much-needed calf stretch to get the blood circulating.

Fun Fact:

*It's scientifically proven that candy during road trips have zero calories.

No, not really but one can dream. ๐Ÿ˜†


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