Tech Neck : This is your neck on tech

Summary / Quick jumps

If sitting is the new smoking, then tech neck is our generations version of second hand smoking.

“tech neck” (also known as "text neck") - is forward head posture resulting from using electronic devices

While recording some new videos for Move Every Day, I saw something I can’t unsee.

I… have… tech neck!

Dum dum dummmmmmmmm….
I mean c’mon, I:

  • work on my posture

  • I get up and move

  • & I’m always telling people to have their core engaged

and tech neck still got me…sigh.

Wait, what? Aren't you a pilates instructor?

I am.

Then why do you have tech neck?

Because like most of us, I spend a lot of time: 

  • on my phone 

  • typing on my laptop

  • sitting down at my desk

Does this sound like you? Because it sounds like all of us…

📱 We’re all affected by tech neck

Next time you’re out and about, look around at anyone who’s looking at their phone, or typing at a cafe, you’ll see their head down and shoulders rounded forward!

Once you pay attention and see it once, you’ll start to see it everywhere.

I mean everywhere…

But it's not just other people, it's most likely YOU reading this right now.

If you have good posture/alignment your head weighs 10-12lbs.

But if your head is at a 45 degree angle then:

your head weighs nearly 50 pounds!

That's a bag of dog food hanging from your neck. 😳

If only those TikTok videos weren't so scrollable, but habits die hard, or should I say hang heavy?

Because tech neck can seriously

  • put unwanted strain on our necks

  • affect our back

  • destroy our posture.

👇 How can we combat tech neck

“For better or worse, our entire body is connected and is very good at adapting.

Adaptation allows us to continue functioning, but it can sometimes result in positioning muscles so they aren’t able to work as efficiently as they were meant to.

Our bodies are all unique in the ways they respond and adapt to positions and limitations in movement.” 

- Dr. Sarah Duvall, PT, DPT, CPT

As with most consistent changes in your life, it’s the small habits that stick most over time.

Now I’m not saying you need to hold your phone directly in front of your face at all times, unless you’re “THAT” person at a concert.

But here are 3 slight tweaks that can help un-tech our necks :

  • Voice to text

    is a great way to send texts or write emails on your phone. 

    *Even if it’s a draft so you don’t have to spend as much time looking down at your phone. 

  • Make sure your laptop or computer is eye level

    (stack books if you don’t have a stand).

    *If you’re at a coffee shop or co-working space you’re likely not at eye-level. Try to take a few breaks and walk around. 

  • Place the back of your head against the headrest while driving.

    *Ever notice how much we lean forward driving, do your neck some favors and lean back into the seat.

Don’t think of these changes as intrusive but rather as actions your future self will thank you for.

🔄 Reverse tech neck

There is no silver bullet to get rid of tech neck.

It takes consistency over weeks to see improvement and even then you have to proactively work on your posture to make sure it doesn’t come back.

It’s like staying in shape:

It’s much easier to stay in shape than get back into shape.

Taking breaks as often as you can to stretch and move, even while you’re sitting all day, is a great way to get your neck back in shape.

Try out these stretches from our movement library

🦢Your neck on tech

Tech neck is pervasive throughout our society, and technology isn’t going anywhere.

Whether we’re on our computers or looking down at our phones to text or watch TikTok videos, we’re cranking our necks forward without even realizing it. 

In summary, this is why we need to be aware of:

  • How much extra weight we’re placing on our necks by cranking them forward

  • How small habits can help keep tech neck at bay

  • How to proactively care for our posture with simple and easy movements/stretches

🙌 Weekly inspiration

"In theory, consistency is about being disciplined, determined, and unwavering.

​In practice, consistency is about being adaptable. Don't have much time? Scale it down. Don't have much energy? Do the easy version.

​Find different ways to show up depending on the circumstances. Let your habits change shape to meet the demands of the day.

​Adaptability is the way of consistency."

- James Clear

Want to stretch more but don’t know where to start?

Try The Morning Stretch, our Monday through Friday email with 1 new stretch delivered daily.

Build better habits, but the smarter (doable) way.

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