How to properly do quad stretches

How to stretch your quad the right way blog header image

Summary / Quick jumps

how do you actually do quad stretches?

You need to tuck your pelvis while doing them

How most people do quad stretches 😕

Ever since schoolyard days we’ve been stretching…right…RIGHT?

While a standing quad stretch is pretty straight forward, most people I see seem to over extend their bodies into a sort of yoga pose.

Kinda like this 👇

How to quad stretch the wrong way image

Damn that looks like your really stretching! But not really…

This may work for some people, but by doing a quad stretch this way, your really just targeting / stretching the quad right above your knee.

Maybe that’s what you’re going for, but if you want to do them properly, keep reading below.

How quad stretches are meant to be done

Now to do a proper quad stretch, is actually super simple with a slight tweak in our form.

How to do a quad stretch the right way

How to :

Have your knees in line with each other

  1. engage the glutes 🍑

  2. Grab and bring the foot of the quad you want to stretch behind you

  3. now here’s the kicker… tuck your pelvis

Now instead of just feeling the stretch above the knee you will feel the stretch along the entire quad.

Look at you, now your a quad stretching pro, the best I’ve ever seen this side of the Mississippi.

As always listen to your body, and tuck (no pun intended) this tip away in your ever expanding stretching knowledge.

Need a visual on proper quad stretches? Check out the video below 👇

Want to stretch more but don’t know where to start?

Try The Morning Stretch, our Monday through Friday email with 1 stretch.

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