3 Easy stretches for the best mornings

3 easy morning stretches before you get out of bed

Summary / Quick Jumps

Why do we feel stiff in the mornings?

Because we were sleeping and not moving our body, c’mon duh.

Ah, to be young and not throw out your back from rolling over, those are the true golden years.

We don’t have to do anything crazy or contort ourselves into a pretzel to jumpstart a great morning.

Just try to do some or all of the following before your feet touch the floor…

Stretch #1: Pelvic tilts


This is a great way to wake up your low back or lumbar spine after you've been sleeping.

How to:

Step 1 - In order to do this you're going to lie on your back and find your hip bones, then rock or tilt them towards your ribcage or face.

morning stretch 1 pelvic tilt step 1

Step 2 - Your back now should be flat against your mattress.

morning stretch 1 pelvic tilt step 2

Step 3 - Then release the tuck/tilt so there's a little bit of space between you and your mattress.

morning stretch 1 pelvic tilt step 3

You should feel your abdominals engage in order to rock your hip bones and pelvis towards you so your back is flat against the mattress.

Stretch #2: Reach


Lengthen your spine and loosen up your body after a nights sleep

morning stretch 2 reach step 1

How to:

Step 1 - Lying on your back, arms come up overhead and legs are extended in front of you.

Step 2 - Then I want you to actively reach your arms overhead so your fingers and toes are reaching in opposite directions.

  • You should feel a nice stretch or lengthening in your spine as you do this.

Make sure to take a breath as you do this.

Stretch #3: Side bend


Stretch lats and loosen up spine

How to:

Step 1 - Sit up and bring your legs over the side of the bed.

Step 2 - Arms are by your side, you're sitting up nice and tall and try to pull your belly button towards your back or spine (to activate your core).

morning stretch 3 side bend step 1

Step 3 - Then bring one arm up and over, breathe into it and then switch to the other side.

morning stretch 3 side bend step 2

Do as many as it feels good/you have time for!

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Want to stretch more but don’t know where to start?

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