Why Move Every Day was created

Imagine this…

I bend down in the shower and…

a lightning bolt shoots up my back!

Hunched over…

I try to un-bend myself but I can’t.

I try to get out of the shower but I can’t.

At 29 years old, I realize I just threw out my back,

and I’m stuck in the bathroom…

What should’ve been a wake up call to take an honest look at my sitting habits, was quickly replaced by life.

I got shit to do and people to see, so I:

  • Took hot baths

  • Ate Advil like candy

  • Got massages

And after a few weeks, I felt “fine.”

And I was back to sitting at my desk 8+ hours, Monday - Friday.

Does this sound familiar to you?

We all live in a seated world

After a decade of repeating this cycle, I eventually became a Pilates instructor.

I figured I could be away from a computer screen and start taking care of my body (but for real this time).

And then everything got better!


Not really…

The reality is that I still sit the majority of my day, and that’s from someone who realizes how detrimental that is!

Think about it, we sit for about 75% of our day, whether we’re at:

  • work

  • having dinner

  • driving

  • hanging out

  • binging netflix

and although we know the serious side effects on our body

  • tech neck

  • poor posture

  • weak core

  • hunched over shoulders

  • overall tightness

Most people (even the ones I teach) don’t know where to start, especially when it comes to combating our seated world.

Another BIG issue

Most people don’t want to deal with pilates or yoga.

  • maybes it’s the time commitment (20 min- 1hr)

  • maybe it’s the culture

  • maybe it’s the vibe

So what the hell are we supposed to do?

Info online is super fragmented and most social content is flat out unrealistic.

“Hey, model influencer! I don’t need to turn myself into a pretzel for better mobility, I just want to loosen my hips okay?”

Then one day I had a crazy idea…

What if…

I could use my mobility expertise from pilates and experience from working a deskbound job into something that could benefit people just like me?

What if…

it was super easy and beginner friendly?

What if?…

This is why I created…

To give people just like me:

  • the tools

  • resources

  • programs

to stretch their bodies all in one place.

The Movement Mission

It’s two fold - 

  • 1) Raise awareness of how much we sit

    (hint.. it’s alot.)

  • 2) Get people to move more, and sit less.

What we do:

  • We help busy people build daily stretching habits to increase your longevity, mobility & flexibility

How  we do it: 

Through the convenience of email we deliver:

Why we do it: 

  • So sitting doesn't keep you from enjoying life (aka the impacts of sitting too much)

Even if it's just going for a walk or a simple daily stretching reminder.

 I want to encourage YOU to move every day.

Move Every Day Values

Everything I do at Move Everyday is guided by these values.

  • Movement is made for everyone

    • but not every move is for everyone

  • Approachable-

    • The things I teach come from some one who practices what they preach.

      I still sit for long periods of time every day, I'm not an influencer or guru. Im also working on myself everyday.


    • No crazy stretches or moves that look good on social that less than 1 % of people can do.


    • The vast majority of what I teach is truly helpful for people of all levels. You dont need to be gumby to move every day.

      *Which is why accessibility is paramount to move everyday, so whether you're at home or in the office, you can follow along with our movement and stretching routines.n

  • Service and the customer experience should be human and easy , such as:

    • cancelling a subscription or program

    • giving a refund, no questions asked

    • surprise and delight where we can 

    • don't let people waste their money if they're not using the product

    • try to encourage and help people build habits but ultimately save them from themselves (aka cancel their memberships) if they're not getting the most out of it

  • We don't take ourselves too seriously - stretching and moving should be fun not boring!

How Move Every Day can help YOU

The Morning Stretch

(1 minute, 1 stretch, email directly to you - M-F )

Are you…

  • Wanting to stretch but don’t know where to start?

  • Curious how to add movement into your day?

  • Time conscious?

Then our FREE daily stretching email might be right for you. Sign up below 👇

    Movement memberships

    (10-minute flows emailed directly to you)

    If you’re:

    • Ready to make a positive change to your habits

    • Ready to feel less stiff and sore

    Then our 10-minute micro flows are exactly what you’re looking for.

    I hope you can discover new ways to get more movement throughout your day by using this site.

    I created Move Every Day for people like YOU.

    Always remember,

    The more you move the better you feel.
