3 Tips to get more movement in your daily routine

3 Movement Tips for your daily routine

Summary /Quick jumps:

Feeling stiff and need to move without stopping your day?

Why not incorporate some movement into things you already do?

This is called habit stacking, basically pairing one existing habit you do every day with a new one.

Kinda like drinking my coffee (existing habit) and eating a glazed donut (new habit).

BAM! Habit Stacking! This stuff is easy! 🍩

Anyways, habit stacking is the perfect way to get some stretching in if you have a busy schedule.

Try some habit stacking tips below. πŸ‘‡

#1: Do a hamstring stretch while brewing coffee


Hamstring stretches are a great way to loosen up the back of your legs.

Tight hamstrings can pull on your pelvis which could cause low back pain. ⚑

How to:

Step 1 - In order to do this hamstring stretch while your coffee or tea is brewing, you're going to stand tall and bring one leg in front of the other.

Hamstring stretch 1

Step 2 - Hinge at your hips (keeping your back flat) and flex your toes towards your face.

Hamstring stretch 2

Step 3 - Hinge only enough to where it feels comfortable and you should feel that hamstring stretch through the back of your leg.

Hamstring stretch 3

Step 4 - Hold for 10 seconds and switch to the other side and wouldn’t you know it… your coffee’s ready.

#2: Take a figure 4 stretch while sitting at your desk


Relieves tightness in your hips and glutes (aka your butt) πŸ‘ , which could help with low back pain.

seated figure 4 stretch how to

How to:

Step 1 - This one is pretty simple, all you have to do is cross one leg over the other.

Step 2 - The foot that’s on the floor - make sure knee is over ankle.

Step 3 - The leg that’s crossed, keep your foot flexed to help protect the knee joint.

  • If you’re tight in the hip, your knee may be closer to your chest. It’ll be different for everyone!

And that’s okay, you should still feel a stretch!

#3: Do a side bend after washing your hands


Side bends are super underrated, it feels so good to open up your side body while stretching your lats and loosening up your spine.

standing side bend how to

How to:

Step 1 - Stand tall, and try to pull your belly button towards your back or spine (to activate your core).

Step 2 - Then bring one arm up and over, breathe into it and then switch to the other side.

  • If you have frozen shoulder or mobility issues, your arms can come by your side & lean to the side reaching one hand down to the floor and then go the other side.

Not a reader? watch the video below πŸ‘‡

Want to stretch more but don’t know where to start?

Try The Morning Stretch, our Monday through Friday email with 1 daily stretch inside.

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    Brittany O'Donnell

    I hope you found this article helpful in your journey to move more and maintain what you have.


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